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BIG NEWS: The Replacement and Rules of Attraction Blog Tours!

22 Dec

Two Fabulous Authors Doing UK Blog Tours.

And since they’re on line tours, we can all play!! Thanks to Jenny over at  Wondrous Reads, for this Fab info!! She says to check out all the details on the banners and join in! (banners made by the talented Kat at S&S!)

I adore both of these authors. Simone Elkeles who I author crush…BIG TIME! And Brenna Yovanoff, who was absolutely lovely participating on a YA panel at Romance Divas! So excited for this event arranged by Simon & Schuster Children’s UK (@simonkids_UK on Twitter).

Tell me, will you be available to play on any of these dates?

Before you go click over to read the most recent December ‘SHORT REVIEW’.

Shop-o-holic, I am not!

18 May, I’m not. But I’ve a daughter who has needs. It’s true. When she needs something I find the mall is cheaper, faster, easier…er…funner? <–hmmm. Anyway, $3 shirts, $5 shorts. Step aside Walmart. Helloooo: Kholes, Sears, and Old Navy…Of course she talks me into Aero too.

Believe me when I say, I have no draw to large crowds or BIG shopping centers. I love stormy afternoons, inside alone with a cozy sweater, mug of hot cocoa, and a good story to read or write. So when my skinny-minny baby girl needs shorts, shirts, sandals and shoes, I have but little other choice than to leave my haven. And I’ll say this now, the outings take ALL DAY. Her proportions make looking for a needle in the haystack look easy–if it’s good in length, it’s falling off her waist. She’s 11 and grew out of yet another pair of shoes. Really, she may hate me for saying so, but the girls feet are nearly as big as mine, but then she’s nearly as tall as I am too. My goal was to find her the cheapest, ‘coolest pair of shoes’ that she can grow out of next. (I did btw, $39 shoes for $9.99). I’m one happy mama.

Well, this little outing of ours turned out fantastic. Even after I realized all of the husbands outdoor-working-in-the-pole barn-work-jeans stained a bunch of my clothes when I washed them together. So mama got 2 pairs of jeans and a couple tank tops to boot. (Buy 1 get 1 free: $2.50 a piece). Can you tell I love a good deal. Ha!

The best deal of all was a day out with my little girl, who I’ve discovered is not so little. And we were both happy to get away from a house overrun with boys for a while. We’re outnumbered and devised a plan of escape…more girly outings. 😉